Terrier dogs are a diverse and energetic group of breeds known for their feisty personalities and tenacious spirit. Originating from various regions throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, terriers were originally bred for hunting and vermin control. Their name, derived from the Latin word "terra," meaning earth, reflects their ability to dig and pursue prey underground. Terriers are characterized by their compact size, strong build, and alert expressions. Despite their small stature, these dogs are full of energy and determination, making them excellent watchdogs and companions. Whilst terriers are known for their intelligence and trainability, their independent nature can sometimes prove challenging for their owners! However, with their unwavering loyalty, spirited nature, and playful demeanour, terrier dogs of all types have won the hearts of many as beloved family pets, show dogs and valued working companions.
At Canterbury Combined Terrier Club (CCTC) we are enthusiasts of all breeds of terriers and strongly support the promotion of well bred pedigree dogs. Whether you are interested in the terriers breeds in general, if you own a terrier, show terriers or most importantly, have a beloved terrier as part of you family, we would love you to join us in our Terrier World!
Terriers do come in many guises and on our breeds page you can find a brief description of the various breeds, along with links to various pages for more information and specialist breeders.
Showing is a big part of CCTC and we run 4 shows ourselves each year, and members take part in countless others up and down the country throughout the year. The best place to come and see terriers is a show and the information about our upcoming shows is on the News and Events page.
Information about how to get in touch with us can be found on the Contact page. If you wish to join the club, a membership application form and instructions about how to join are on the Join page.
Members of our club receive four issues of our club magazine the Terrier Times each year. This informative publication keeps both pet members and those who show regularly in touch with each other. Stories and items of interest are shared amongst all of us who have terriers close to our hearts.
If you would like to send a contribution for the Terrier Times, the Editor’s address can be found on the Contact page.
Above all, enjoy browsing our site, and please do get in touch with us if we can help you with anything terrier related!
We are on Facebook for lots of updates and info about what's happening in our world.